Deeside Agri Services

Deeside Agri Services

Deeside Agri Services.

A leading agricultural merchant and supplier of agricultural services.

Conveniently located just off Exit 14 of the M1 Motorway, halfway between Belfast and Dublin, Deeside Agri Services is a leading agricultural merchant and supplier of agricultural services. Our customer service is second to none, sharing our extensive knowledge to ensure our customers get the best solution possible from our offices in Co. Louth.

At Deeside Agri, we fully recognise that the fundamental basis to all productive and profitable farming comes from a deep understanding and appreciation of your soil.

To this end we are constantly helping growers to learn more about their soils as well as their chemical, physical and biological make up. We do this through conducting soil tests for chemical, physical and biological analysis and a whole suite of tests exist for measuring all three interdependent properties.

We encourage farm walks with invited experts on a regular basis to increase the collective understanding and knowledge of our soils. Only the best and most reliable laboratories are used and we always follow up with leaf tissue analysis to monitor the growing crops.